TUF Upload Instructions

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General Instructions

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TUF supports the upload of files via HTTPS (preferred and easiest method) and/or SFTP.

Files uploaded via HTTPS will notify the uploader via email that the upload was successful (if the email address provided on the upload form is correct).

All fields on the HTTPS upload form are required. The most important field, however, is the Case Number. If the Case Number is entered incorrectly, TUF will be unable to correctly route your file, and may result in delayed response times and may also require the user to upload the file(s) again.

Files uploaded via HTTPS are restricted to 2GB or less in size. There is no file size limitation for SFTP uploads. For reasons detailed in a later section, HDS recommends all files be 1GB or smaller.

Upload Via SFTP

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The most important thing when uploading via SFTP to TUF is that the files are named correctly.
The files must be named with the Case Number as the first part of the file name.  Files uploaded via SFTP without that naming convention will be lost.

Examples of correctly named files are:
  • 00001234.trace.dat
  • 00005678.hdcp.tgz
  • 00009101.getconfig.zip
The username for SFTP upload to TUF is: trcsftp
The password for SFTP upload to TUF is: TrueN0rth
      (note that the 0 is a zero)

Example of using WinSCP to transfer a file to a Case

  1. Rename the file so that it matches the format: [CaseNumber].[FileName].[FileExtension]
    1. 00003226.hdcp.tgz
    2. If the file is not named correctly, it will never get routed to the correct Case.
  2. Use a program like WinSCP to log into TUF. Here are the credintials:
    1. Host name: tuf.hitachivantara.com
    2. User name: trcsftp
    3. Password: TrueN0rth
    4. Make sure the SFTP protocol is selected

  3. Drag the file into the folder "incoming"

  4. There is no notification for files uploaded via SFTP. You will need to call the support center once you have uploaded the file(s) so GSC can verify it is there.

Example of command line SFTP to upload a file

mperino@Aku:~/Work/00003226$ ls <------------list files
mperino@Aku:~/Work/00003226$ mv Brocade_Support_Save_Fabric1_4-16.zip 00003226.Brocade_Support_Save_Fabric1_4-16.zip <---Rename the file to start with the Case Number; in this case 00003226
mperino@Aku:~/Work/00003226$ ls
mperino@Aku:~/Work/00003226$ sftp trcsftp@tuf.hitachivantara.com <------------sftp as user trcsftp
trcsftp@tuf.hitachivantara.com's password: <------------Login with password TrueN0rth (the 0 is a zero)
Connected to tuf.hitachivantara.com.
sftp> ls
incoming lost+found
sftp> cd incoming <------------CD to the incoming directory
sftp> put 00003226.Brocade_Support_Save_Fabric1_4-16.zip <------------Upload the file
Uploading 00003226.Brocade_Support_Save_Fabric1_4-16.zip to /incoming/00003226.Brocade_Support_Save_Fabric1_4-16.zip
00003226.Brocade_Support_Save_Fabric1_4-16.zip 100% 99MB 114.4KB/s 14:45
sftp> bye

Note: You can use SFTP to upload files greater than 2GB to TUF. However, GSC recommends splitting your files into 1GB chunks. For instructions on how to do this, please see the section "
Files larger than 2GB".

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